ASTI Policy


ASTI policy is formulated in a number of ways:

  • Motions adopted at Annual Convention or Special Convention
  • ASTI directives which are issued to School Stewards
  • Formal agreements with management/Department of Education
  • Custom and practice
  • National ballots of members

Motions for Convention

In accordance with Rule 72 Convention appoints a Steering Committee to prepare the agenda for the following Annual Convention. Steering Committee issues the following Guidelines to branches to assist members in drafting motions for Convention:

Steering Committee Guidelines for Motions and Amendments for Annual Convention

(a) Motions

To ensure that motions are not ruled “out of order”:

  1. all motions must arrive in ASTI Head Office in accordance with Rule 73;
  2. all motions must ask Convention to declare an opinion or call for a course of action, or both;
  3. all motions must be properly worded and factually correct;
  4. all motions must conform to the aims and objectives of the ASTI;
  5. all motions must be capable of implementation. 

(b) Amendments and Addenda

To ensure that amendments and addenda are not ruled “out of order”:

  1. they must be received in ASTI Head Office in accordance with Rule 73(d);
  2. they must conform with the objects of the ASTI;
  3. they must be capable of implementation;
  4. they must be properly worded;
  5. they must not change the whole sense of a motion and must in some way involve the same question that is raised in the motion;
  6. they must not be a direct negative;

Please Note: Steering Committee has decided that branches may not amend the motions which they have submitted.

(c) Changes of Rule

  1. All motions proposing a change of rule, which, if passed, will require as a consequence, material change(s) in other rule(s), should identify those rules in which such material change(s) will be required;
  2. Motions, amendments and addenda involving a change of rule should specify clearly what is to be deleted and what is to be substituted. The correct formula would read:

    Rule 59: delete “………”


    Rule 59: delete “……….” and substitute “……….”

  3. Motions, amendments and addenda, other than those specifically changing a rule or rules, must not conflict with an existing rule(s).

(d) Advice Regarding Drafting Motions

  1. Each motion should be clear, concise and should be intelligible to a reader who has not heard the proposing address;
  2. A motion should not contain an argument;
  3. Each motion should deal with one topic only.

Amending ASTI Policy

ASTI policy may be amended or changed through the adoption of a motion at Annual Convention. Any member may propose a motion at branch level. If accepted by the branch, the motion must be submitted to the General Secretary not later than November 30th. The Steering Committee prepares a list of all the motions. This list is circulated to all branches not later than January 7th.

Branches may propose amendments to motions and may also indicate which motions they favour for inclusion in the final agenda. Notification of amendments and recommendations must be sent to the General Secretary not later than January 31st. The Steering Committee then circulates the final convention agenda.