

ASTI Annual Student Bursary

2024 applications are now open.

The purpose of the ASTI Annual Student Bursary is to assist students who have a parent who is an ASTI member or an ASTI staff member, while undertaking a course in third-level education.

ASTI awards five bursaries to the value of €1,000 each.

The bursaries are exclusive to the children of an ASTI member or ASTI staff member. Applications are invited from children of ASTI members or ASTI staff members currently attending or commencing full-time undergraduate third-level courses. The successful applicants will be picked by lot which means that all entries have an equal chance of winning.

The Bursary draw is open in respect of any student whose:

  • Parent(s) is a member of ASTI or a staff member of ASTI
  • Is commencing or has already commenced a full-time undergraduate third level course – proof of course acceptance will be required

Find full terms & conditions and the 2024 application form by clicking the images below. Applications must be on the standard application form – submitted by post or email to arrive by 5pm on 30th September 2024.

terms and conditions application form

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ASTI Awards

The following awards will be presented to the recipients at the ASTI Awards Evening which is scheduled to take place in May 2024.

  • PJ Kennedy Award
  • Thomas MacDonagh Medal
  • Honorary Life Membership

PJ Kennedy Award

This award reflects the contribution of the recipient to the ASTI.

Nominator: The Branch
The proposed recipient(s) will be nominated by a branch. Nomination(s) will then be considered by the ASTI Awards Committee.

Retired member(s) who have given valuable service to the branch and/or branch members. Such a nominee(s) might be a diligent school steward or a branch officer whose years of commitment and sterling service warrant such recognition.

The recipient(s) must be a retired member.

Thomas MacDonagh Medal

This award reflects the distinguished service and contribution of the recipient to the ASTI.

Nominators: The Branch or by Standing Committee
The proposed recipient(s) will be nominated by a branch or by Standing Committee. Nominations will then be considered by the ASTI Awards Committee.

Current or retiring members who in the view of the ASTI Awards Committee have given distinguished service to the ASTI and who merit this honour. Such service should include:

  • outstanding service in a representative capacity on an outside body or within the structures of the ASTI,
  • action or position taken by a member which generates significant benefits for other ASTI members.

Service at national level while it may lead to the award of the Thomas MacDonagh medal is not a prerequisite.

A recipient may be awarded the medal on only one occasion.

Honorary Life Membership

This award is the highest honour which may be bestowed on a member.

Nominator: The Branch
The proposed recipient(s) will be nominated by a branch. Nominations will then be considered by the ASTI Awards Committee.

Nomination Process:
Branch→Awards Committee→CEC→Annual Convention

  1. Branches should submit nominations using only the nomination form.
  2. The ASTI Awards Committee will then meet to consider nominations. The Awards Committee will base its decision solely on the information provided by the branch on the appropriate nomination form. Any other contact with the ASTI Awards Committee is inappropriate.
  3. Clarification, if necessary, will be sought from branches.
  4. The ASTI Awards Committee will submit the names of those nominee(s) who meet the criteria for the award to the January CEC meeting.
  5. CEC will, in accordance with Rule 13, refer nominees for Honorary Life membership to Annual Convention. A citation should be made at Annual Convention and a record of same kept.

Rule 13:
“The Annual Convention shall be empowered to elect a member an Honorary Life Member on the recommendation of the Central Executive Council. Honorary Life membership shall be conferred only in recognition of outstanding service to the Association and shall entitle the Honorary Life member to all rights and privileges of full membership including the right to hold office. Convention shall be empowered to revoke such Honorary Life Membership.”

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ASTI Achievement Awards

The ASTI Achievement Awards recognise the outstanding contribution teachers make to schools, students and society.

The ASTI Achievement Awards recognise teachers in three categories:

  • The Outstanding Teacher Achievement Award recognises the contribution of individual teachers to their schools and education.
  • The Outstanding Teacher Team Achievement Award recognises the contribution made to schools and education by groups of teachers.
  • The Outstanding Individual Achievement Award recognises the outstanding achievements of individual teachers outside of their professional life.

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Study Grants

ASTI offers a grant of up to a maximum of €1,000 for members pursuing certain diploma, certificate or degree courses in trade union studies. Courses being undertaken must have recognised accreditation. Requests for grants for trade union studies should be addressed to ASTI General Secretary, Thomas MacDonagh House, Winetavern Street, Dublin 8.

This is an internal ASTI Scheme. 

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ASTI Centenary Scholarship

The ASTI inaugurated in its Centenary Year of 2009 an annual Scholarship of €2,000 to be awarded to two ASTI members. The aim of the Scholarship is to assist ASTI members in undertaking further third level studies.

Who can apply?

Any ASTI member who is currently in service. 

What is the timeframe for application?

A member can apply at any stage during the school year. 

Can I apply for the scholarship if my course is part-time?

Yes. The scholarship is to assist an ASTI member to undertake further third level education on a full-time or part-time basis.

I am currently undertaking further studies; can I still apply?

Yes, you are entitled to apply.

What are the criteria for a successful application?

Applications will be determined by a Selection Committee comprised of the ASTI Officers. The criteria for selection are:

  • Relevance of proposed course to the professional lives of teachers and second level education
  • Potential for study to inform the ongoing policy agenda and work of the ASTI
  • Potential for research to enhance the quality of teaching and learning

Do I have to provide the ASTI with a copy of my research if I am successful?

No. You are required to provide an abstract of your work of not less than 500 words for consideration for publication by the ASTI.

How do I apply?

Click here for application form, which you should return to [email protected]

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Grants for Legal Aid

ASTI Rule 158 provides that “grants on account of legal expenses incurred by members arising out of or in connection with their professional duties” may be paid from the General Fund in accordance with the provisions of Rules 178 to 181.

These Rules provide that, before a member takes any steps (other than entering a notice of appeal), a member must submit the request for a grant in writing to the General Secretary. Standing Committee (or CEC) may refuse a grant or allow portion of a grant or state the maximum sum which will be made available.

Each application for a grant for legal aid will be assessed on its own merits and in its own circumstances. The increasing number of applications for grants for legal aid, however, requires that there must be some measure of standardised response which also takes into account the broader interests of the Association.

Guidelines are issued to members to help to ensure that there is consistency of approach and clarity with regard to the degree of support which may be available to individual members.

The following general principles apply:

  1. Insofar as possible, the advice and assistance will be provided through the ASTI solicitors.
  2. In principle, Standing Committee will follow the advice of the ASTI legal advisors in deciding whether or not to support an action or to continue to support an action.
  3. A grant will not normally be approved by Standing Committee where the issue could be addressed through the agreed industrial relations procedures and the provisions of the procedures have not been exhausted.
  4. An initial grant for legal aid will cover the cost of a consultation with the solicitors and any consequent correspondence.  The member concerned will be accompanied and assisted by an ASTI representative. The initial grant may also cover the cost of a barrister’s advice, if required.
  5. A further application for a grant will be required for legal representation in a court or other quasi legal forum.
  6. Such legal aid grant is provided to cover the legal costs of the member who made the application only.
  7. A further application will be required if a grant is required to cover the legal costs of a third party.
  8. In the case of legal proceedings, a specific cash limit will be set on the grant to be paid.  This limit may not cover the member’s full costs in the proceedings but will not exceed, except in exceptional circumstances, the member’s costs in the proceedings, based on estimates provided by the legal advisors.  The limit may only be exceeded by obtaining further specific approval.
  9. The ASTI will not pay a grant to cover the costs of any damages awarded against a member.
  10. The ASTI may only pay the legal costs involved in an agreed settlement of a case.
  11. Except in cases of emergency, requests for legal grants should be forwarded to the General Secretary at least five days prior to the meeting of Standing Committee for which it is relevant.

These guidelines were adopted by Standing Committee at its meeting on 19th October, 2001.

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