Latest news
ASTI responds to Calculated Grades Guide
ASTI responds to Calculated Grades Guide
ASTI will strive to improve fairness, equity in Calculated Grades for Leaving Cert 2020 process
ASTI will strive to improve fairness, equity in Calculated Grades for Leaving Cert 2020 process
Standing Committee discusses Leaving Cert announcement
Standing Committee discusses Leaving Cert announcement
ASTI welcomes State Certification for students completing Junior Cycle
ASTI welcomes State Certification for students completing Junior Cycle
JC 2020: Assessment and reporting guidelines
JC 2020: Assessment and reporting guidelines
ASTI will work to support delayed Leaving Certificate
The ASTI has stated that it will work to support the Minister for Education and Skills’ decision to postpone the June Leaving Certificate examinations until later this year.
ASTI responds to Leaving Cert announcement
The ASTI welcomes in principle the announcement today that the Leaving Cert exams will go ahead this year. ASTI President Deirdre Mac Donald said teachers are wholly committed to supporting their students at this time, as has been evidenced by their enormous efforts in recent weeks.
Lack of consultation unacceptable
The ASTI wishes to put on record its view that the publication of the document Guidance on Continuity of Schooling without consultation with the teacher unions is totally unacceptable.
ASTI responds to Exams announcement
ASTI President comments on the announcement by Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh that this year’s Leaving Cert oral examinations, practical exam in music, and practical exams in Junior Cert music/ home economics have been cancelled.
Press statement – teacher conferences postponed
The three teaching unions, the ASTI, INTO and TUI, have today taken the decision to postpone our forthcoming Easter conferences.