ASTI Submissions
As the professional voice for teachers, the ASTI contributes to policy consultations on education, youth and wider social issues. This advocacy and public engagement is vital in ensuring that the expertise and knowledge of the teaching profession is influential in the policy development process at all levels.
ASTI Submission to DES Consultation on Digital Strategy for Schools
19 June 2014
ASTI Submission to DES Consultation on Digital Strategy for Schools
ASTI Response to Draft National Plan to Improve Literacy and Numeracy in Schools
18 March 2011
The ASTI response to the Draft National Plan to Improve Literacy and Numeracy, published by the then Minister for Education in November 2010.
ASTI submission on the continuum of teacher education
23 February 2011
In February 2011, the ASTI responded to a Teaching Council framework document on the continuum of teacher education.
ASTI Submission on Curricular Reform
27 October 2010
In October 2010, the ASTI made a submission on curricular reform to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Education and Skills