
HSA accident report form

22 February 2024

External Documents - 99kb PDF

HSA accident report form

HSA Managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace

22 February 2024

External Documents - 938kb PDF

HSA Managing psychosocial hazards in the workplace

HSA Risk Assessment & Safety Statement

22 February 2024

External Documents - 4166kb PDF

HSA Risk Assessment & Safety Statement

HSA Safety Representatives and Safety Consultation Guidelines

22 February 2024

External Documents - 3391kb PDF

HSA Safety Representatives and Safety Consultation Guidelines

HSA Violence at work

22 February 2024

External Documents - 699kb PDF

HSA Violence at work

HSA Work related stress information sheet

22 February 2024

External Documents - 599kb PDF

HSA Work related stress information sheet

Convenors Web list 2024

20 February 2024

External Documents - 105kb PDF

Convenors Web list 2024

Subject Convenors 2024

20 February 2024

ASTI - General Documents and Information Leaflets/Posters - 105kb PDF

Subject Convenors 2024

Letter to School Stewards re Ballot February 2024

13 February 2024

School Steward Circulars - 21kb DOCX

At a special meeting of the ASTI Central Executive Council held on the 10th February 2024, it was decided to set in train the arrangements for a school-based ballot of members. The purpose of the ballot is to ascertain whether ASTI members wish to accept or reject the proposed Public Service Agreement 2024 – 2026.

