Department Circulars

TC 0022/2021 - Information Note on Leadership and Management Positions in Recognised Post Primary Schools during the school year 2021/2022

8 July 2021

Department Circulars - 554kb PDF

This Information Note will replace Information Note TTC 0001/2020

Circular Number 0038/2021 - Home Tuition Grant Scheme 2021/2022 Special Education Component

7 July 2021

Department Circulars - 1103kb PDF

Circular Number 0038/2021

Circular Letter 0030/2021 - Parent’s Leave Scheme For Registered Teachers employed In Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

24 May 2021

Department Circulars - 795kb PDF

Circular Letter 0030/2021 - Parent’s Leave Scheme For Registered Teachers employed In Recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools

Information Note TC 0013/2021

5 May 2021

Department Circulars - 804kb PDF

COVID-19: Working Arrangements for Very High Risk Teachers and Special Needs Assistants
and Pregnant Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary Schools